Auto Technical Center Denmark is an international resource center that educates and inspires people to combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills.The center aims for a holistic approach to the automotive sector, and includes, mercantile, technical and administrative competences. Auto Technical Center (ATC )offers a wide choice of aftermarket training, including sales-, management- and technical training. Additionally ATC is providing academic education programs and consultancy within the automotive sector.Our institution is specialized in talent development and selected by the Danish Industry Association to develop special talent training and education programs. The talent program is branded under the name - "Centres of Excellence". The vision of this concept is to en- sure the needed competences for the Danish auto industry prospects. Auto Technical Center Denmark has its own modern, high technological workshop- and training facilities. We have the ambition to educate and train professionals who can help ensure and promote a high level of knowledge and knowhow in the automotive sector. ATC is the headquarters of the Renault Nordic Academy Denmark. In the same way, the Nissan aftermarket training in Denmark and the Faroe Islands is provided by ATC. In addition to Renault and Nissan, ATC is also providing aftermarket training for VW/Audi, Bosch, Au2parts, Mekonomen, Würth, AutoPlus, Elektropartner, Förch and ScanAuto Dybroe Group.