Editor/Proofreader at Marquis Who's Who - Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, United States
Since 1898, Marquis Who's Who has remained the standard for reliable and comprehensive biographical data.The family of Marquis Who's Who publications presents unmatched coverage of the lives of today's leaders and achievers from both the United States and around the world, and from every significant field of endeavor. Librarians, students, researchers, corporate executives, journalists, personnel recruiters, and many others rely on Marquis Who's Who every day for in-depth biographical information they can use with confidence.As the needs of our patrons have evolved, we have strived to develop new and more convenient ways of providing access to our biographical data while maintaining its quality. While we continue the time-honored tradition of publishing our family of print publications, we are excited to introduce Marquis Biographies Online, a powerful, web product that offers real-time access to our database of over one million biographies!Marquis Biographies Online has the added capability of allowing for targeted searches based on a variety of criteria such as name, occupation, gender, education, geographic location, and more. Each biography is clearly and concisely presented under subject headings for fast online viewing! Now you can make a choice between our classic print volumes and our new online product based on your biographical data needs.Please take a moment to browse through our family of biographical references. You'll find a comprehensive selection of Marquis Who's Who titles with the most accurate, up-to-date information available.