We offer 3 signature courses to help you on your entrepreneurial journey: • Entrepreneur Lifestyle AcceleratorAfter overcoming his own self-sabotage in 2015, Ben created his signature program the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Accelerator. This program helps successful entrepreneurs reduce stress and overwhelm, so they can live the lifestyle they thought they would have when they started their business whilst boosting business success. https://www.ben-ivey.com/Entrepreneur-lifestyle-accelerator/• Lifestyle Business BootcampHaving run his coaching business whilst living in 3 different countries, Ben was frequently asked if he could teach others to do the same. From 2016 Ben started to give back to these transformational entrepreneurs helping to build their 6-figure business online. This intensive boot camp helps coaches to create high-ticket clients and scale their business online. https://www.ben-ivey.com/• Entrepreneur Lifestyle Coach Certification Having worked with thousands of people globally, Ben created a certification program for new coaches in 2017. The lifestyle coaches in training learn coaching skills to create massive transformation with clients and speaking skills to inspire and captivate audiences. https://www.ben-ivey.com/certification/Any questions please email Ben at hello@ben-ivey.com