We are a boutique technology advisory firm that specializes in applying modern software engineering practices and agile development processes to modernize legacy systems, automate challenging business processes and reduce your operating costs. What is CORTEX?CORTEX is a cloud based application, with a user friendly dashboard, developed to improve automation and reduce manual touch points for natural gas pipeline actualizations into ETRM systems. For most organizations dependent upon complex movements around physical gas, manual actualizations are often time consuming and a contributing factor for daily PnL, Positions and monthly settlements to be incorrect requiring additional manpower troubleshooting. The need was identified to ultimately improve the capture of Natural Gas Actual Quantities and to automate the population into the ETRM system and exactly match the EBB on a T+1 basis. CORTEX provides this solution. It also ensures high risk processes which rely on this data, such as Credit, PnL/Positions and Settlements, to be correct. CORTEX enforces A.C.E. (Accountability Controls Efficiency) which rectifies any issues with timely and accurate reporting of actualizations that today's organizations may suffer.