Serious Woo is a corporate role play service that helps organisations improve results by reenacting key business challenges in ‘real life'.We do this in three ways:1. Deliver end to end experiential training programs that support development goals for customer service, sales and HR initiatives.2. Co-create programs with internal teams and their suppliers. 3. Provide experienced role play actors to organisations who have established programs.WHY SERIOUS WOO?You want your staff to be at their performance best. Like athletes, pilots and trapeze artists, practice makes perfect. Serious Woo provides your staff with a safe, memorable learning experience by immersing them in their own ‘real life' role play.What Serious Woo can do for you: - Risk manage your brand by ensuring staff don't just understand the need for important communication skills but can execute them. - Maximise your training budget by ensure staff remember what they have learnt. "Experiential learning" produces the highest retention rates of all learning approaches. - Help you identify learning gaps in your staff by presenting everyday challenging workplace scenarios. -Test business and product knowledge through practical true-to-life life methods. -Support your executive and management teams or front line staff by offering the most effective training for dealing with high stress situations.