Kate Marshall

HR and Learning & Development Consultant at ClearLife - Taunton, ENG, UK

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Taunton, ENG, UK • 20 - 49 Employees
Technology Consulting/Tech Services

We develop business platforms for markets connected with life insurance. Our platforms are web-based, fully integrated and include cutting-edge valuation models and analytics. We also deliver consultancy to those involved – or looking to become involved – in our markets. Our customers value us for the quality of our products, the consistency of our service and our problem-solving abilities.Our Equity Release platform for equity release mortgage lenders includes portfolio valuation tools, scenario and simulation analysis and asset-backed securities structuring. Equity release mortgage portfolios can be valued under multiple scenarios simultaneously, allowing you to combine stresses to house price growth, interest rates and repayment profiles. Simulation modelling combines with deal structuring to allow you to design securitizations and monitor their performance.ClariNet is our business management platform for the US life settlements market. It covers the needs of everyone from a life insurance agent looking to prepare his or her first policy for submission through to sophisticated investors with substantial portfolios. ClariNet is a modular platform which expands to meet your needs as your business grows, from case management via portfolio valuation and risk analysis into servicing and deal structuring. It is used daily by some of the largest life settlements investors worldwide.We have a range of services for new entrants and established participants in our markets. We engage with new entrants to help them understand the intricacies of these markets and design their business workflows accordingly. We offer risk analysis and independent valuations to new and established investors and asset managers.

Longevity Modelling Risk Management Software Development Life Insurance
Details about ClearLife
Frequently Asked Questions about Kate Marshall
Kate Marshall currently works for ClearLife.
Kate Marshall's role at ClearLife is HR and Learning & Development Consultant.
Kate Marshall's email address is ***@clearlifeltd.com. To view Kate Marshall's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kate Marshall works in the Information Technology & Services industry.
Kate Marshall's colleagues at ClearLife are Mark Venn, Chris Stuart, Thierry Suzanne, Florence Vitort, Divya HS, Gareth Brading and others.
Kate Marshall's phone number is N/A
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