Kate McGowan

Math Tutoring Coordinator at San Juan College - Hobbs, NM, US

Kate McGowan's Contact Details
Farmington, New Mexico
San Juan College
Kate McGowan's Company Details
San Juan College logo, San Juan College contact details

San Juan College

Hobbs, NM, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

San Juan College is located in Farmington, NM. It was founded in 1956 and the College operated as a branch of New Mexico State University. On July 1, 1982, an independent and separate community college known officially as Junior College District of San Juan County, and informally as San Juan College, came into being. From its modest start in 1956 with 25 students, the college now has a credit enrollment of more than 5,500 students per semester. Staff size has grown from a handful of part-time instructors to a present complement of 81 full-time faculty, 203 part-time faculty, and other staff for a total of more than 530 men and women to operate the college. National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE) Certified Member College

Details about San Juan College
Frequently Asked Questions about Kate McGowan
Kate McGowan currently works for San Juan College.
Kate McGowan's role at San Juan College is Math Tutoring Coordinator.
Kate McGowan's email address is ***@sanjuancollege.edu. To view Kate McGowan's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kate McGowan works in the College/University industry.
Kate McGowan's colleagues at San Juan College are Toni Hopper Pendergrass, Therese Millis, Lawrence Palmer, Wanda Schaffer, Christine O'Toole, Diane Meyer, Landa Houghton and others.
Kate McGowan's phone number is 505-566-3501
See more information about Kate McGowan