Kate Sommer is a speaker and author on the topic of building a personal board of advisors. Using her Assess, Assemble and Act framework, you'll learn how to leverage the tool used by many successful companies and CEOs- the board of advisors- for your personal and professional growth. She speaks, writes and facilitates workshops on this topic. Kate Sommer Consulting brings 10 years of marketing, strategy and operational consulting for Puget Sound's most established companies. The company was founded on its guiding belief that the role of a consultant is not only to create and implement tailored solutions but to also set our clients up to experience sustainable change long after the consultant is gone. Areas of expertise include: Process and Operational Efficiency Project and Program Management Strategic Marketing Social Media + Collaboration Strategies & Training Brand Strategy & ManagementSWOT Assessment Facilitation Customer Loyalty & Retention Strategies Relationship Driven Business DevelopmentManaging and influencing Cross-Functional Teams & Agencies