Link Insurance Brokers and Your Insurance Broker Brisbane successfully merged in February 2016 bringing together a wealth of knowledge and experience. Directors, Tom Cullinan and Mike Pappalardo, together have built a strong business focused on customer service and offer tailor-made insurance solutions for the needs of our clients and customers. We do this by providing professional advice on each client's business, assessing their particular risks and exposures and recommending specific insurance products to cover those risks. We offer advice and quotes on the following classes of insurance, but not limited to: COMMERCIAL INSURANCE •Business Property •Business Interruption and Loss of Rent •Liability, Money, Glass Breakage •Burglary •Machinery Breakdown •Computer •Goods in Transit •Contractors Risk •Motor, Transport, Trucks and Trailers•Earthmoving Equipment•Marine – Commercial and Pleasure Craft•Corporate Travel •Tax AuditLIABILITY•Public Liability•Products Liability•Professional Indemnity•Directors and Officers•Employment Practices Liability•Product Recall