Are you an Allied Health Professional who would like to grow your integrative and functional medical practice and see more patients?At EC3Health, we help practitioners like you every day. We offer complete packages that include a variety of treatment protocols, advanced diagnostic testing, compounded pharmaceuticals, OTC in-office verticals, marketing support, and physician-to-physician mentoring for all things pertaining to overall wellness, preventative care, and longevity practices for physicians.Here is the list of therapies, services and training that we currently offer: Compounding Pharmacy Liaison Services Weight Loss Hormone Optimization Age Management I.V. Nutrition Aesthetics/Dermatology Diagnostic Lab Testing Comprehensive Wellness Programs Marketing A-Z Low Level Laser Light Therapy Medical Marijuana and CBD Oil Probiotics Physician Mentoring Body Composition ProgramsAs the President of EC3Health, I always research the science and technology behind each new therapy or service we offer and verify the results with my medical team. I seek out new and scientifically proven treatments that offer positive therapeutic outcomes and are guaranteed to increase your practice's bottom line. You can contact me today or take my practice assessment to get started! CaddellPresident EC3Healthwww.ec3health.com877-536-4635 Ext. 701