Katelin George

HR & Marketing Manager at Malvern Bank - Malvern, IA, US

Katelin George's Contact Details
Glenwood,Iowa,51534,United States
Malvern Bank
Katelin George's Company Details
Malvern Bank logo, Malvern Bank contact details

Malvern Bank

Malvern, IA, US • 20 - 49 Employees

We've proudly served Mills County and surrounding communities since 1892. Located on Main Street in Malvern, we provide customers with a full range of financial services and solutions with decisions that are made locally, one customer at a time. We take great pride in the relationships that have been developed with those we serve, providing extraordinary care and customer service in everything we do!This page is presented by Malvern Bank. Facebook.com is owned by a third party unaffiliated with Malvern Bank. Malvern Bank is not responsible for the privacy or security policies at this site or other third party sites that may be linked to by this page or other Facebook.com pages. We urge you to review the privacy and other policies of each website that you visit. Malvern Bank does not endorse and is not responsible for any ads that Facebook.com may place on this page, or for the content, products, advice, opinions, recommendations or other material of third party sites or other pages on Facebook.The Bank ("Bank") will not share and/or sell individual customer information to any unaffiliated third party for marketing purposes. Information pertaining to a particular customer account will only be disclosed to those individuals or entities who are the authorized account holders of record with the Bank or those persons allowed access to such information by law.Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.

Details about Malvern Bank
Frequently Asked Questions about Katelin George
Katelin George currently works for Malvern Bank.
Katelin George's role at Malvern Bank is HR & Marketing Manager.
Katelin George's email address is ***@malvern.bank. To view Katelin George's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Katelin George works in the Banking industry.
Katelin George's colleagues at Malvern Bank are Kate McGann, Nicki Poort, Jonathan Marshall, Stephanie Jensen, Todd Lehan, Daniela Glaviano-Hillman, Dan Fuchs and others.
Katelin George's phone number is N/A
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