Managing Editor at Limited Liability Company “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives” - Sumy, Sumy Oblast, Ukraine
Managing Editor of the "Environmental Economics"â Journalâ LLC "CPC âBusiness Perspectivesâ
Limited Liability Company "Consulting Publishing Company "Business Perspectives" is a part of a network of publishing organizations and projects, which unites the common areas of activity in the field of publishing, as well as the community of founders and project initiators. The network is represented by the following companies and projects: LLC "Business Perspectives" (Ukraine), Kozmenko Science Publishing SP ZOO (KRS: 0000550582, Poland), Research Center for Innovative Financial Solutions (Ukraine), and the Journal`s International Compliance Index (Ukraine). LLC "CPC "Business Perspectives" seeks to improving the scientific periodicals of Ukraine and increasing its scientific status in the world. That is why "Business Perspectives" introduced a new system for evaluating scientific journals in 2017. Due to the hard work, the International Compliance Index Journal (JIC Index) appeared. The fundamental principles of this evaluation system are the impartiality and comprehensivenessthat is achieved through the involvement of scholars, publishing specialists and librarians as experts in evaluating the scientific journal.