Katerina Pinova

Business Intelligence Analyst at MallGroup - Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Katerina Pinova's Colleagues at MallGroup
Ales Starek

Business Inteliigence Analyst

Contact Ales Starek

Karolina Cervena

Executive Assistant to CEO

Contact Karolina Cervena

Lubos Kvet

Head of Product Intelligence

Contact Lubos Kvet

Magdalena Videnska

Procurement/Technický nákup

Contact Magdalena Videnska

View All Katerina Pinova's Colleagues
Katerina Pinova's Contact Details
Katerina Pinova's Company Details
MallGroup logo, MallGroup contact details


Prague, Prague, Czech Republic • 1001 - 5000 Employees

Mall Group is the largest e-commerce group in Central and Eastern Europe. We focus on four main areas: traditional e-commerce (shopping mall MALL.CZ, CZC.CZ, Vivantis.cz, etc.), online food sales (Košík.cz), internet TV (MALL TV) and financial services for internet shopping (MALL Pay).We operate in seven countries and with over two thousand employees we offer our services to 90 million people in Central and Eastern Europe.Thanks to our capable people, innovations, the latest technology and constant search for innovations, we are an industry leader. Our vision is to build the largest online services platform in Central Europe and to create a digital future with our customers. Join us on our journey.

Details about MallGroup
Frequently Asked Questions about Katerina Pinova
Katerina Pinova currently works for MallGroup.
Katerina Pinova's role at MallGroup is Business Intelligence Analyst.
Katerina Pinova's email address is ***@mallgroup.com. To view Katerina Pinova's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Katerina Pinova works in the Internet industry.
Katerina Pinova's colleagues at MallGroup are Ales Starek, Barbora Castova, Jan Suchy, Karolina Cervena, Lola Onipko, Lubos Kvet, Magdalena Videnska and others.
Katerina Pinova's phone number is ["25263496664","254724548971","9771503853590","442081583881","5555555555","97142981510","420778051032","420226254554","1611/117000","4165350123","252617420490","420728563096","420702217933"]
See more information about Katerina Pinova