Administrative Assistant at Katana Asset Management Ltd - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Katana Asset Management ( AFSL Number 288412 ) was founded in September 2003 as a boutique investment management firm specialising in Australian Equities.In September 2005 Katana Capital Ltd, an ASX listed investment company (ASX code KAT) , engaged the services of Katana Asset Management as the exclusive manager to it's Australian Equity portfolio.Katana Asset Management employs an all opportunity investment mandate being style, sector and market cap agnostic. At the core of the investment philosophy is a belief that flexibility must be maintained within the investment mandate in order to deliver consistent out performance to the index throughout different economic and market cycles. For this reason Katana Asset Management's investment approach could best be termed All Opportunity Benchmark Unaware. The firm does not employ leverage, securities lending or short selling within it's investment portfolio.In January 2011 Katana Asset Management launched the Katana Australian Equity Fund (KAEF).