Seasonal Health is a full-service holistic health and wellness center in Hoboken, NJ, just minutes from Manhattan. The center offers individualized and preventative holistic health care, plus customized herbal remedies that Dr. Roberts prepares on-site in the center's fully-stocked apothecary. Patients come to Seasonal Health to treat a number of ailments, including: Colds, Constipation, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Anxiety, Insomnia, Depression, Headaches, Allergies, Skin Ailments, IBS, GERD, Stress, Chronic Fatigue, EBV, CIN, and Diverticulitis, among others. Dr. Roberts is a clinically certified naturopathic doctor. She believes in using natural remedies to treat chronic conditions, and hopefully to avoid them. She educates her patients on what their bodies need, and empowers them to achieve lifelong health.