Kathryn Bruns

Owner at Kathryn Bruns CPA PLLC - Asheville, NC, US

Kathryn Bruns's Colleagues at Kathryn Bruns CPA PLLC
Kathryn Bruns's Contact Details
Asheville, North Carolina, United States
Kathryn Bruns CPA PLLC
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Kathryn Bruns CPA PLLC

Asheville, NC, US • Not Available Employees

Kathryn Bruns, CPA is a trusted tax and bookkeeping partner, a multi-state tax expert, as well as a personal financial advocate. She has an extensive background in complex corporate tax environments, which enables her to bring a level of service, professionalism, and saavy typically found only in the largest of firms. Kathryn seeks to build and nurture a personal and trusting relationship with her clients.Tax Services - Kathryn Bruns CPA has an extensive tax background and offers tax preparation, tax consulting and resolution services. She couples corporate level experience with small business customer service.Bookkeeping - Kathryn Bruns CPA is Quickbooks Online Certified and provides CPA level bookkeeping for reasonable fees. Her clients' books are always clean and up to date, putting an end to year end fire drills and clean-ups.State Tax Solutions - Kathryn Bruns CPA has an extensive multi-state tax background and offers a wide range of state tax services through her State Tax Solutions service line. Specific projects could include:- State apportionment data management- State tax return review - State tax savings and refund investigation- State tax nexus analysis- State tax research- State tax audits and notice resolutionPersonal Affairs Stewardship - Kathryn Bruns CPA advocates for financial independence and responsibility and provides a wide range of services designed to protect one's financial resources. We offer consulting, coaching, and counseling customized to each client's needs.

Details about Kathryn Bruns CPA PLLC
Frequently Asked Questions about Kathryn Bruns
Kathryn Bruns currently works for Kathryn Bruns CPA PLLC.
Kathryn Bruns's role at Kathryn Bruns CPA PLLC is Owner.
Kathryn Bruns's email address is ***@kathrynbrunscpa.com. To view Kathryn Bruns's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kathryn Bruns works in the Accounting industry.
Kathryn Bruns's colleagues at Kathryn Bruns CPA PLLC are and others.
Kathryn Bruns's phone number is N/A
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