Volunteer experts create online and offline (=blended) learning resources.Teachers are able to flip their classrooms using the meriSTEM resources.Students learn more because they can do more in a flipped class.meriSTEM is free to all teachers and students, thanks to the countless volunteers, sponsors and the Physics Education Centre at The Australian National University.Founder of meriSTEM, Professor Joe Hope, was a recipient of a 2015 Australian Award for University Teaching - Award for Teaching Excellence.-----------------------------------------------------In 2019 meriSTEM offers complete online materials for Year 11 and 12 Physics, conforming to the Australian Curriculum and some sections of the International Baccalaureate Physics course.Learning materials are hosted on Open edX (a Small Online Private Course or SPOC platform) and include:- Online videos, conforming to best-practice blended learning principles;- Inter-video questions, to reinforce student engagement and understanding;- Worksheets, to develop procedural fluency and independent problem solving;- Experiments, both guided and unstructured, to model good experimental habits and expand experimental development;- Open-ended, real-world questions to practice applied problem solving in ill-defined contexts.meriSTEM is currently supporting over 40 classrooms across Australia and internationally.The meriSTEM team are developing resources for the following courses:- senior Earth and environmental science;- senior chemistry;- junior secondary sciences.We are actively seeking volunteers who want to contribute their expertise to improve STEM education for students across Australia.Opportunities to get involved include:- Course design and advice;- Producing videos;- Creating online resources;- Creating in-class resources;- Giving feedback on existing materials;- Beta testing;- Assessment design and implementation.CRICOS Provider : 00120C (Australian National University).