HomeAid Northern Virginia believes that a home is everything. For families struggling with homelessness, removing the uncertainty and stress of finding a place to sleep at night means that they can focus on dealing with the issues that caused them to be homeless in the first place. The best way to end homelessness is to ensure that everyone has a safe and stable place to call home.To achieve its mission, HomeAid connects regional builders and housing industry professionals with non-profits focused on ending homelessness. This connection allows each group to do what they do best. HomeAid's partner builders and trade partners donate their expertise, time, and resources to renovate or build homeless shelters, housing facilities, and other non-profit spaces. This generous donation allows organizations to allocate their scarce resources on programming and interventions to work toward sustainably ending homelessness. It's the ultimate win-win!HomeAid Northern Virginia is the official non-profit of the Northern Virginia Building Industry Association (NVBIA) and is a chapter of HomeAid America.