Lead Climate Scientist / Product Manager (Climatics) at Early Warning Network - Banora Point, NSW, AU
The Early Warning Network exists to protect people and property from the impact of severe weather events, bushfire and other emergencies. We do this by delivering timely, accurate and specific alerts using a variety of channels, including landline, email, facebook, twitter, smart phone, analogue mobile, desktopALERT™ and web, fax, in-house message boards and communications systems. EWN products include safety apps for iPhone and android, and a range of subscription based services which can be customised to the specific needs of a wide variety of individuals, companies and industry sectors, including property, travel, logistics, rail, insurance, local government, infrastructure owners, energy networks and volunteer organisations.By drawing on all the available weather monitoring systems, coupled with our own network of stormwatchers, unmanned aircraft and critical risk point flash flooding monitors, and processing the data using geographic polygons to pinpoint risk areas precisely, we give users of our services time to take appropriate action. EWN's own Geographic Notification and Information System (GNIS) is one of, if not the most advanced EW systems in the world. The GNIS is proven and sends tens of thousands of alerts within Australia each month.We have our own in-house IT talent to ensure confidentiality and accountability, and a 24/7/365 roster, so users can always access technical support immediately.