Alabama Family Trust is a unique public service created by Alabama law to administer special needs trusts for disabled persons of all ages as safe havens for financial resources to help assure important benefits from SSI and Medicaid and as protection from fraud or exploitation. We are a non-profit, 501 (c) (3) special needs trust serving children and adults with disabilities. Many Americans depend upon government entitlements such as Medicaid, SSID and SSI to provide for their financial needs. Many of these individuals have mental or physical disabilities that substantially limit their major life activities. However, the financial resources provided by Medicaid, SSID and SSI are often insufficient to cover the day-to-day living expenses of those that depend upon these programs. Those with disabilities are especially impacted since they who also face the costs of increased medical bills and the need for special medical equipment and supplies. Alabama Family Trust provides for the establishment of a trust from which funds may be disbursed to supplement the care, support and treatment of the designated disabled person or beneficiary.