A wealth of events, courses, training, workshops and meetings are happening across the UK – from writing with refugees, the elderly and families to new ways of engaging with stories and poems. In healthcare, education and the community we are working with writing and words in ways which inspire, connect and promote communication, physical and emotional health, and enjoyment. Whether you want to write creatively yourself or use writing in your work with others, Lapidus: the Writing for Wellbeing organisation links you to the information and networks you need.Lapidus promotes writing and words for wellbeing through its work with other organisations and support of its members who are interested in, or working with others to encourage, the use of writing for health and wellbeing. The Lapidus Journal provides insights into the writing activities of poets, writers and facilitators working in diverse settings from prisons, to schools, to hospitals, to the community. It also debates the ways in which writing contributes to the wellbeing of indviduals, groups and communities.