In 1989 Foster Family Service began certifying foster families to care for foster children in need of a home in El Dorado County. Since our inception we have placed thousands of children in safe, nurturing homes and have expanded to serve over 20 Central Counties throughout California.•Foster Family Service is designed to provide quality foster care and adoptive services for children who must live apart from their families.•We accept children for foster placement for short-term and long-term care, who through no fault of their own, cannot live at home or who have social, emotional or behavioral problems.•The children are age 0-17 years and most have a history of abuse, neglect and/or behavior problems.•Our staff members are experienced professionals and Foster Family Service Social Workers are available to support our Certified Foster Homes 24 hours a day.•Our skilled social workers assess and evaluate each child, find them the appropriate Certified Foster Home and help them resolve the problems they experience, enabling them to lead a healthy productive life.•Through a combination of caring parents; well-trained, capable social workers; and community resources and psychological services, we expect children in our care to return home or emancipate in a healthier condition than when they came to us.