Our purpose is to provide businesses with a current state engagement analysis to better understand the pulse of their organization. This allows businesses to identify areas of potential improvement and provide expertise on how to increase productivity, employee engagement and retention.Vision Statement: To actively support growing organizations as well as promote community involvement.Our Story..Does this sound familiar?Your highest performing teams are strapped with the most work --- they are over stressed and over committed to company projects. This was our story. We have experience in managing teams with this identical profile and many times this led to disengagement resulting in low employee retention and even lower morale. Wanting to make a difference in the workplace and share the importance of implementing employee engagement techniques and strategies, became the cornerstone of Hueman Interface Business Consultants. Research shows that there is a direct correlation among the following factors; employee engagement, healthy corporate cultures, organizational productivity and profitability.Ask yourself these questions..1. When was the last time you invested in your hueman assets? 2. What is the hue of your company?