nonprofit affordable housing developer - The NC Housing Foundation (NCHF) and its affiliate, NC Housing Services and Management Corp. (NCHSM), have a strong track record for developing and managing affordable, supportive and assistant living housing complexes in Winston-Salem and throughout the state with a particular emphasis on providing decent, safe, quality affordable housing for the elderly, disabled and people with special needs. NCHF has used its expertise to develop and finance 1464 affordable housing units and 484 assisted living units. In the past three years, NCHF has completed the development of 175 units of supportive housing, housing for the elderly, and low-income housing tax credit projects in Gastonia, Reidsville, Tyro, Walkertown, and Winston-Salem. Another 129 units of transitional housing, low- income housing tax credit and permanent supportive housing are currently in development in Salisbury and Winston-Salem. Since the formation of it's management company in 2002, NCHF has gained significant experience in providing services to the elderly and handicapped populations using a team approach to property management and services coordination. In the last three years, the management company has added 5 new properties to its portfolio and placed service coordinators in 5 existing properties serving 279 residents