Health Insurance advisor working to help individuals/families/small businesses prosper!
Justin Bishop Ɵ That Young Insurance Guy ƟI am a Licensed Healthcare Specialist in 13 States (FL,GA,IL,TX,MI,SC,NC,TN,KY,KS,AL,OH,VA). I have a passion for helping, informing, and equipping individuals, families and business men and women to understand the market that is #healthinsurance This enables people to make informed decisions about their health insurance options and find affordable PPO policies. I strive to show proven #healthcare options that are customized to every clients needs and budget, in the past few years, I have advised over 400 clients throughout the United States, with the goal of helping 500 next year alone. My name is Justin Bishop, no matter what form of healthcare coverage you have, I bet you simply want healthcare that is affordable with low or no deductibles and includes 24/7 coverage on and off the job. When you work with me, I take you through a process that is time-tested, proven and guaranteed to achieve that goal. As a Healthcare Specialist I strive to: -Assess your needs. -Research the healthcare and supplemental options best suited for you -Generate comparative quotes -Review those options with you -Use screen share technology to explain how each plan that you pick best fits your needs -Take your application for a private plan and personally submit for your approval -Be your concierge health insurance advisor for the life of your policyIf you're read for the peace of mind that comes with affordable 24/7 healthcare coverage contact me at (706) 988-1930 for a complimentary strategy session and receive a customize quote! Specialties:Families, Self-employed, Small Business ¤Sickness and Accident insurance, Critical Illness, Life, Dental coverage, Short Term Accident Disability Income Insurance◊◊◊Please Contact me using my email address or call- - 706-988-1930