n 2002, KCS was founded under a different banner. Mark and Jackie Smaha were asked to help with a golf tournament fundraiser and proved to be quite adept at keeping it fun and keeping it moving! When the founders left town, Mark and Jackie were too vested in the cause to let the charity fall away. In 2004, Kitsap Cancer Services was born.There are two major fundraisers and a host of private donors who fund compassionate care grants, gift cards for basic needs, oncology massage, house cleaning, transportation, and a teen support group. The latter four services are on pause during the COVID-19 pandemic.Jackie and many of our board members are cancer survivors. We have a personal understanding of the impact of cancer on not only the individual diagnosed but on the family and loved ones around them.We continue to meet more of our community's needs by helping individuals financially and emotionally through their cancer journey. Kitsap Cancer Services is not an exclusive organization. We help men, women, non-binary, and families of children and do not limit our resources to any one type of cancer. We work closely with local oncology social workers in the area to determine the financial and personal needs of individuals and families. Please visit our programs on the home page to learn more about how Kitsap Cancer Services helps meet the needs of those impacted by cancer in Kitsap County.