"If I feel overwhelmed, they must feel it ten times as much."This was a comment from a fellow mom who spoke the truth.Overwhelm is now a constant in our lives, and even more so for highly sensitive kids. Sometimes the things we surround ourselves with can be a tricky maze of sensory issues for our child. And we may have no idea or just realized it's a bigger problem than we thought.Do we support our child to use their tools to adapt to the environment? Or do we adapt the environment to them?Well, to be honest, it's a combination of both. We want our children to feel welcome and nurtured in our home, so often the load falls more heavily on us as caregivers. It can feel like your wheels are spinning from adapting to meet their every need, and yet they still get upset. Sometimes each day feels like survival.We don't want our children to just survive, we want them to thrive.I believe we have the same goals. For your child to grow, become as autonomous as they are able, and find happiness within this world.If you are new to this journey or have been around for a while, don't be afraid to ask for help. Or to say you don't understand. Or take things slow. The most important part is that your child feels heard and validated.