Bettercoal is a global, not for profit initiative that has been established by a group of major European utilities to promote the continuous improvement of corporate responsibility in the coal supply chain, with a specific focus on the mines themselves.Our activities:+ We set standards for ethical, social and environmental performance in the coal supply chain. In July 2013, the Bettercoal members have adopted the Bettercoal Code, which sets out the ethical, social, and environmental principles and provisions that Bettercoal expects companies in the coal supply chain to align with.+ We assess performance of coal mines through the coal supplier Assessment Program. The Bettercoal Assessment Program includes the following key components: Self-Assessment, third-party Site Assessments and Continuous Improvement, and Re-Assessments. Bettercoal members take into account the results of the Self-Assessment and Site-Assessments in purchasing decisions and due diligence processes.+ We support continuous improvement in the coal supply chain. We engage and support coal mines to implement the Bettercoal Code and continuously improve systems, processes, procedures and practices with a view to fully align these with the requirements of the Code. Beyond the coal mining site, Bettercoal uses information gathered from assessments to facilitate the implementation of best practices and support collaborative programs aimed to improve conditions on the ground.+ We work with stakeholders. We conduct all these activities by continuously engaging and collaborating with a variety of global stakeholders including governments, NGOs, international labour unions, and other experts.