Katlyn Brady

Chiropractic Assistant at Catalyst Health Center - Leawood, KS, US

Katlyn Brady's Contact Details
Kansas City, Missouri
Catalyst Health Center
Katlyn Brady's Company Details
Catalyst Health Center logo, Catalyst Health Center contact details

Catalyst Health Center

Leawood, KS, US • 5 - 9 Employees
Healthcare Facility/Healthcare Services

Our mission is to help you live the life you deserve. Our cutting edge Regenerative Treatments are changing the paradigm of traditional medicine by allowing you the opportunity to not merely mask symptoms, but heal the root cause on a cellular level. Regenerative Treatment Centers treats the body as a whole to help you live the life you deserve to live. We strive to work along side you on your healing journey and offer to you the most advanced regenerative treatment options today. Our comprehensive programs aim to help you avoid costly surgeries, long recovery times, and avoid the use of addictive pain killers and opioids.The combination of therapies we offer stimulate healing on a cellular level to give you body the ability to regenerate damaged tissue, reduce inflammation, and facilitate pain reduction. All of this brings you closer regaining your freedom and living the life you deserve.

Health Chiropractic Wellnes Nutrition B12 Injections Trigger Point Injections Physical Therapy Pain Relief Wellness Regenerative Medicine Holistic Health Corporate Wellness
Details about Catalyst Health Center
Frequently Asked Questions about Katlyn Brady
Katlyn Brady currently works for Catalyst Health Center.
Katlyn Brady's role at Catalyst Health Center is Chiropractic Assistant.
Katlyn Brady's email address is ***@catalysthealthcenter.com. To view Katlyn Brady's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Katlyn Brady works in the Healthcare Facility/Healthcare Services industry.
Katlyn Brady's colleagues at Catalyst Health Center are Kara Findley, Hannah Osborn, Marcus Juracek, Kara Findley, Sara Ghavami, Adam Boender, Katlyn Brady and others.
Katlyn Brady's phone number is 913-345-9888
See more information about Katlyn Brady