Paraplanner at McKnight Associates Wealth Management - Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom
McKnight Associates, a Principal Partner Practice of St. James's Place Wealth Management, was founded on a philosophy to always work closely with each client, regularly reviewing their individual or company situation to help achieve their financial aims and aspirations.A Principal Partner Practice of St. James's Place Wealth Management, McKnight Associates is made up of Steve McKnight and Gary MacFarlane, who together with Financial Consultants Zyg Krukowski and Sean Mills, have extensive experience in the Financial Services industry. Specialising in providing high quality personal advice on many aspects of wealth management and advising clients of differing financial resources and of all ages; McKnight Associates aim to be the trusted partner in creating clear financial solutions.McKnight Associates Wealth Management is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James's Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority). The "St. James's Place Partnership" and the titles "Partner" and "Partner Practice" are marketing terms used to describe St. James's Place representatives.