Contingency Fee Business Litigation Lawyers Not all the big law firm lawyers are at big firms. At Stueve Siegel Hanson, our team of Kansas City, Mo based trial lawyers were groomed at top law schools and nationally prominent law firms and use cutting edge legal skill in an environment that lets us focus on winning efficiently and effectively. Our Alternative to Hourly Billing: Results-Based Fee Structures that Suit Your Business Goals America’s businesses – both large and small – for years have placed their faith in the hands of law firms whose interests may be different from those of clients. Law firms can have mixed incentives because of an hourly billing system that focuses more on the time spent than the result achieved. Cases lost slowly result in higher fees than cases won quickly. But at Stueve Siegel Hanson, we conduct business litigation differently. In every case, we will offer you a contingency fee arrangement in which our fees vary based on the result we achieve for you. Even in cases with difficult facts. Especially where your business is on the line. This results-based fee structure means our trial lawyers have the same interests you do. Succeed for you and we succeed ourselves. Fail you and we fail ourselves. Just as you and your management are compensated for providing real value to your business, so are we.