GROBUNDFashion med værdighed. Økologisk og bæredygtigt.GROBUND er et bæredygtigt brand, der ønsker at udfordre fast fashion og give dig et alternativ til den konventionelle modebranche. Devisen "fra MERE til BEDRE" skaber fundamentet for hele tankegangen i GROBUND. Vi designer klassiske, nordiske styles, der giver værdi i dag, i morgen og på sigt. GROBUND er i øvrigt GOTS-certificeret i hele produktionen og supply chain.GROBUNDFashion with awareness. Organic and sustainable. GROBUND is a new Danish brand with a desire to challenge fast fashion and provide you with an alternative to the conventional fashion industry. Mette Holmgaard Andersen is the woman behind the brand and she strongly believes that ‘Less is the new more', which is also the foundation for the entire GROBUND mindset. GROBUND designs classic, Nordic styles which will be of value to you today, tomorrow and in the future. GROBUND is a GOTS certified brand, which means that the entire production and supply chain is both environmentally and socially sustainable.