Katty Bravo

Inspector de aseguramiento de la calidad at Qali Cerro Prieto S.A.C - , ,

Katty Bravo's Colleagues at Qali Cerro Prieto S.A.C
Angel Hidalgo

Coordinador de RR. HH.

Contact Angel Hidalgo

Bryan Quiroz

Analista de soporte de sistemas

Contact Bryan Quiroz

Fabricio Aldea

Supervisor de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional

Contact Fabricio Aldea

Angel Martinez

Coordinador de mantenimiento

Contact Angel Martinez

View All Katty Bravo's Colleagues
Katty Bravo's Contact Details
Qali Cerro Prieto S.A.C
Katty Bravo's Company Details
Qali Cerro Prieto S.A.C logo, Qali Cerro Prieto S.A.C contact details

Qali Cerro Prieto S.A.C

, , • 6 Employees

Empresa enfocada en la producción de arándanos de la más alta calidad, ubicada al norte de Lima, en Huaura. Busca su expansión usando nuevas tecnologías y métodos que contribuyen a la eficiencia del recurso hídrico y a una mayor productividad. -Company dedicated to the production of the highest quality blueberries, northern Lima, in Huaura. It seeks its expansion using new technologies and methods that contribute to the efficiency of water and to greater productivity.

Details about Qali Cerro Prieto S.A.C
Frequently Asked Questions about Katty Bravo
Katty Bravo currently works for Qali Cerro Prieto S.A.C.
Katty Bravo's role at Qali Cerro Prieto S.A.C is Inspector de aseguramiento de la calidad.
Katty Bravo's email address is ***@. To view Katty Bravo's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Katty Bravo works in the Farming industry.
Katty Bravo's colleagues at Qali Cerro Prieto S.A.C are Angel Hidalgo, Miguel Alayza, Bryan Quiroz, Tulio Urdampilleta, Fabricio Aldea, Cristhian Cubas, Angel Martinez and others.
Katty Bravo's phone number is
See more information about Katty Bravo