We are a social enterprise committed to reducing inequality and poverty through education for well-being: Savings in community as a tool for change and women as a pillar.What we achieve:• We create economic resilience: Overcome crisis and be prepared for unexpected events.• We rebuild the social fabric: A better union in society.How:• Education and practice of saving.We propose a model that is based on the change of consumption patterns for the financial welfare on the following sequential programs:- TERTULIAS* OF WELFARE- COMMUNITY SAVINGS SEEDS (Semillas in Spanish)- ENTREPRENEURIAL TREES (small rural businesses development)(*) Tertulia: Accustomed gathering for conversational or recreational purposes.The main beneficiaries are the communities that present economic vulnerability in the Valle del Cauca (Colombia); they are mothers Head of household, parents of lower to middle income levels, salaried employees or housewives, with or without superior education degrees, and young graduates.Our visión: A world in which we all live in well-being, that is, we dare to dream, meet goals and are capable of facing contingencies.