XENON Corporation is the world leader in Pulsed UV Light technology. XENON designs and manufacturers high-performance Pulsed Light systems for use in a wide range of research and production applications. Founded in 1964, XENON has a proven history of innovation and unmatched depth of experience available to solve the most challenging needs in industry. We truly are The Pulsed Light Experts.Researchers are continually discovering exciting new benefits of Pulsed Light. Here are just some of the proven applications for Pulsed Light by XENON.FOOD SAFETY AND ENHANCEMENT- Conveyor Sterilization- Food Decontamination- Shelf-Life Extension of Produce- Mushroom Enhancement with Vitamin D- Food Packaging SterilizationPRINTED ELECTRONICS SINTERING- Research and Development- Roll to Roll ProductionPHARMACEUTICAL- Clean Rooms and Pass-Throughs- Pharmaceutical Packaging SterilizationMANUFACTURING SOLUTIONS- Semiconductors- Displays- Optical Discs- Medical DevicesWhether you're looking for an OEM, a research system, a fully functional Pulsed Light system, or replacement xenon lamps and housings, XENON is the one-stop-shop for Pulsed Light expertise and products.