Kavya Mariboyina

Institutional Research and Data Analyst at Little Priest Tribal Collage - N/A, N/A, N/A

Kavya Mariboyina's Contact Details
Little Priest Tribal Collage
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Little Priest Tribal Collage logo, Little Priest Tribal Collage contact details

Little Priest Tribal Collage

N/A, N/A, N/A • 20 - 49 Employees

The Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska chartered Little Priest Tribal College (LPTC) in May 1996. Its major focus is to provide a two-year associate degree, and prepare students to transfer and successfully complete a major at a four-year institution. Another equally important part of the college's mission is to provide language and culture classes and training opportunities for upgrading job skills and improving employability. Little Priest Tribal College is named after Chief Little Priest, the last true war chief of the Winnebago Tribe.

Details about Little Priest Tribal Collage
Frequently Asked Questions about Kavya Mariboyina
Kavya Mariboyina currently works for Little Priest Tribal College.
Kavya Mariboyina's role at Little Priest Tribal College is Institutional Research and Data Analyst.
Kavya Mariboyina's email address is ***@littlepriest.edu. To view Kavya Mariboyina's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kavya Mariboyina works in the Higher Education industry.
Kavya Mariboyina's colleagues at Little Priest Tribal Collage are Manoj Patil, Channing Stellato, Payton Methvin, Cherie Heise, Jody Wingert, Tori Kitcheyan, Velma Alaniz and others.
Kavya Mariboyina's phone number is N/A
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