Introspective Systems' makes managing complex systems easier. Since the 1980's, our technology has been used by the US Geological Survey (USGS) to aggregate seismic sensor data across the globe locating earthquakes in real-time. By adapting to network changes and analyzing output in real-time our xGraph technology has been saving lives. This powerful and proven technology is now available to meet other complex systems needs. Whether managing data and analytics for an oil and gas exploration company or applications for the Internet of things xGraph makes complex systems simpler. Society is challenged by many problems, difficult to solve because of dynamic information and or complex inter-dependencies. In popular terms, they are called ‘wicked problems'. For effective solutions these technically challenging problems demand radically new approaches. Often with wicked problems good intentions are thwarted as unintended consequences dominate outcomes. These problems arise in defending our computer networks from cyber threats; managing distributed energy and smart cities; adaptive control systems and collaborative robotics or simulating the effects of climate change. An xGraph is an Executable Graph framework where the processing or the analytics function takes place inside the graph data structure itself. The framework consists of both data and highly modular code that evolves dynamically. xGraph defines a radically new approach. Rather than approaching these problems by spreading the process across the data, xGraph broadcasts the data across distributed analytics. A useful analogy for the process is to imagine a river of data flowing through a rapids. The pebbles and rocks are the analytics collecting and processing data while evolving their logic and solutions. This approach works surprisingly well for dynamic problems were data is continually changing and response times are critical.