Enter the world of superior sound with Airpulse, a Phil Jones legacy speaker company. British audio engineering has been lauded the world over and in theAirpulse bookshelf series, reference sound quality is delivered withgreat aplomb.Impeccable in design and built to last, this high performancespeaker brand is the beginning of an auditory sensory journey.Phil Jones is the legendary speaker designer who founded AcousticEnergy in 1987 and designed the now equally legendary AE-1near-field monitors, that were used in Abby Road Studios amongstmany other notable venues of music. He went on to design and produce the titular Platinum Air Pulse 3.1loudspeaker system in 1998 that challenged the minds and hearts ofaudiophiles worldwide for its innovative design methodology. A pairof of which sold at a cool $275,000 and awarded Phil Jones theGolden Sound Award for best loudspeaker developed in a 100-yearhistory of loudspeakers, from the Japan Audio Society.*********************************************************************************About STAXSTAX was found in 1938. Stax electrostatic ear speakers are widely used throughout the world by discerning audiophiles, professional musicians, and recording companies to enjoy and monitor sound. This is due primarily because of the superb sonic quality of Stax electrostatic earspeakers.