Kay Mangelsdorf

School Nurse at St. Patrick Catholic School - Jacksonville, FL, US

Kay Mangelsdorf's Contact Details
Dallas,Texas,United States
St. Patrick Catholic School
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St. Patrick Catholic School logo, St. Patrick Catholic School contact details

St. Patrick Catholic School

Jacksonville, FL, US • 20 - 49 Employees

St. Patrick's accepts all students, regardless of race, creed, national or ethnic origin, who satisfy the school's academic requirements, providing that class space is available.We, at St. Patrick's, believe that the needs of each student can best be met through the positive interaction of home, school, church and community. Our philosophy affirms the belief of American Bishops that "Community is at the heart of Christian education, not simply as a concept to be taught, but as a reality to be lived." St. Patrick's provides a nurturing, loving atmosphere.Students are given an opportunity to learn on an intellectual, emotional and social level to live and serve in a Christ-like manner. We believe that the love of Jesus is experienced through people and that students should feel they are a part of a supportive community of teachers, parents and friends.We provide a variety of activities to foster an attitude of self-respect and self-worth in each student allowing each to set and achieve goals. We believe in the principle of discipline with dignity. Students are treated with respect and compassion so they learn justice and fairness.Our academic goals are to provide students with the knowledge, strong values and skills that will enable them to continue their education and succeed in the future. We are committed to educate students of diverse backgrounds, respecting that diversity. We endeavor to lead the students to a deep devotion to Christ through an awareness of Him, His life and His teachings. St. Patrick's fosters a desire to continue this devotion to Christ and share it in the spirit of His love.

Details about St. Patrick Catholic School
Frequently Asked Questions about Kay Mangelsdorf
Kay Mangelsdorf currently works for St. Patrick Catholic School.
Kay Mangelsdorf's role at St. Patrick Catholic School is School Nurse.
Kay Mangelsdorf's email address is ***@spsdallas.org. To view Kay Mangelsdorf's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kay Mangelsdorf works in the Government Administration industry.
Kay Mangelsdorf's colleagues at St. Patrick Catholic School are Adriana Chiaro, Athena Blanchard, Robyn Sprock, Amy Zenthoefer, Mary Heiberger, Kathleen Bliesner and others.
Kay Mangelsdorf's phone number is N/A
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