Global Force for Healing convenes the global Compassionate Birth Network designed to amplify the individual and collective impact of community-based partners through information and resource sharing, joint advocacy and resource mobilization, and direct capacity-building support to help ensure sustainability. Our goal is to support and grow the cadre of these organizations, to eventually saturate the globe with models of compassionate care that eliminate preventable maternal and infant deaths and disabilities, and give mamas and babies the level of respectful care they deserve.Pregnancy and birth are the first opportunities to be imprinted with love. Love and compassion must be at the heart of the birth experience for mother and baby. This realization of the power of love to transform lives helps to ensure the wellbeing of all families, communities, and Planet Earth.Global Force For Healing envisions a world where all women have "voice and choice," specifically access to quality, women-centered care regardless of where they live, their level of education, or financial status. In this world, all babies are welcomed with love, all mothers are treated with compassion and respect, and all communities are supported to be healthy and thrive.