上海博莱科信谊药业有限责任公司,由意大利博莱科造影公司和中国著名公司信谊药厂于2001年12月组建的合资公司,其中意方控股70%。公司主要生产和销售用于X射线成像的非离子型造影剂, 用于核磁共振成像的造影剂和用于超声成像的造影剂。产品销往整个中国大陆和港澳地区。其母公司博莱科造影公司是在诊断造影行业里的重要企业,业务经营范围超过全球90个国家和地区。 Shanghai Bracco Sine Pharmaceutical Corp.Ltd is a joint venture company established by Bracco Imaging Spa and Shanghai Sine Pharmaceutical Company. The production and sales is currently focused on: non-ionic contrast media for X-ray radiology; contrast media for magnetic resonance; contrast media for Ultrasound. Products are sold in China Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau. Its parent company Bracco Imaging SPA is one of the world's leading companies in the diagnostic imaging field. The Company operates in over 90 markets.