At Puchko Financial, we excel in serving our clients and helping them attain their financial goals. It is a way for us, your advisors, to help you make happen what you want to happen! We express a strong focus on maintaining liquidity, use and control of one's money throughout all stages of life. We help our clients to become more efficient with their money and maximize the use of their finances.We strive to help our clients find the winning strategies tailored to their specific needs. We develop a step-by-step custom fit strategy to build confidence in financial decisions. We provide clear communication and simplified client solutions. We will work with you to get what you want.At Puchko Financial Associates, we are known by the problems we solve, not the products we sell. We focus on the process not the product. To use a golf analogy, we teach our clients "the swing" – how money works – the process. We work together on the practice tee to get the swing down; before we ever take them to the club rack. We evaluate our clients' strengths and weaknesses, and then when the time comes, fit them with the right club, custom fit to their specific needs.Our relationship will be based on trust and openness.We are in the belief-changing business, so it is necessary for our clients to keep an open mind. Most importantly, the journey along the way will be a pleasant one.Securities offered through The O.N. Equity Sales Company, Member FINRA/SIPC, One Financial Way, Cincinnati, OH 45242. 513-794-6794