Kayla Wimer

Quality Technician at Gopher Sport - Owatonna, Minnesota, US

Kayla Wimer's Contact Details
(507) 451-7470
Gopher Sport
Kayla Wimer's Company Details
Gopher Sport logo, Gopher Sport contact details

Gopher Sport

Owatonna, Minnesota, US • 164 Employees

Our mission is to help teachers and coaches get better results showing kids how to have fun and become healthier through physical activity. Our Team Members, innovative unique products, Unconditional 100% Satisfaction Guarantee and outstanding service have set us apart from the competition for the last 75+ years. Gopher Sport is the parent of several brands that invent and sell fun, innovative, institutional-quality products for physical education, sports, fitness, early childhood education, STEM education and classroom physical activity: • Gopher: innovative high-quality products for physical education, athletics, fitness, gymnasium and recreation (www.gophersport.com) • Play With A Purpose: institutional playground equipment, physical development and active play products for kids aged 0-6 (www.pwap.com) • Moving Minds: a fun selection of active seating, furniture and classroom accessories so kids can be active in the classroom (www.moving-minds.com) • STEM-Supplies: has the highest quality assortment of products to promote hands-on, physically active learning of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math subjects (www.stem-supplies.com) • SPARK: A family of evidence-based physical education, after-school and early childhood education curriculum that shows teachers how to help kids develop important motor and movement skills, and social and personal skills

Sports And Fitness
Details about Gopher Sport
Frequently Asked Questions about Kayla Wimer
Kayla Wimer currently works for Gopher Sport.
Kayla Wimer's role at Gopher Sport is Quality Technician.
Kayla Wimer's email address is ***@gophersport.com. To view Kayla Wimer's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kayla Wimer works in the Specialty industry.
Kayla Wimer's colleagues at Gopher Sport are Paul Hamilton, Amanda Givens, Aaron Schomburg, Gopher Marketing, Paula Rodriguez, Cory Roesch, Isaac Anderson and others.
Kayla Wimer's phone number is null
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