Our goal is to help make every company and every person's RIN management process easier and more efficient by providing cost-effective services that save you time and money. From the initial registration to quarterly and yearly EPA reporting, RINAlliance will improve your efficiency by 50% while ensuring 100% accuracy with rules, regulations and transactions. We are the largest web-based system working on behalf of fuel blenders, marketers, and obligated parties to speed up daily transactions, catch errors before they happen, and accurately report all transactions through EPA at a fraction of the time it takes to work in EMTS. BENEFITS of RINAlliance*Quarterly reports required by EPA*Yearly audited reports required by EPA*RIN tracking & management system that is 50% faster and more efficient to use than EMTS.*Customizable reports that: *Track individual stores, locations and prices *Track historical information from EMTS and user defined inputs.*On demand reports to track your activity, transaction and duplication.*Easily do multiple activities in a single step such as upload, transfer, approve, separate and confirm. *Staff dedicated to a high level of customer service for RFS Program Guidance and any EPA, EMTS, or system related issue. 1-866-433-7467info@rinalliance.comwww.rinalliance.com