Mindful Traditions moves beyond the modern perception of yoga, the idea that yoga is a physical practice that only occurs on the mat. Instead, Mindful Traditions introduces participants to a practice of building a conscious relationship to self through mindfulness, meditation, breathing exercises, and movement through full-length classes tailored to meet a neuro-diverse group or individual needs. Mindful Traditions uses the term "Neuro-Diverse" to reference anyone who wishes to embark on this journey of self-discovery. Each person has a specific set of needs regardless of perceived physical or neurological differences. Mindful Tradition seeks to explore and honor these needs by cultivating a practice that specifically helps each participant be more holistically in relationship to their sense of self and the world around them. Mindful Tradition believes that developing this individualized practice can happen both through private consultation or through inclusive and integrated group classes that allow for the studio's collective needs to come into harmony.