Remote Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor at Walgren Counseling PLLC - Matthews, NC, US
We offer counseling / therapy for individuals, couples, and children. Both outpatient and telehealth services are available.Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Self-esteemWork / School Stress, Life TransistionsMarriage Counseling, Relationships, InfidelitySexuality, Addictions, Obsessive CompulsiveGrief and Loss, Trauma / PTSDAnger Management, SpiritualityChronic Illness/ Pain, Weight-loss, and much more.It is the mission of Walgren Counseling's providers to create a comprehensive wellness program for you. No matter what your goal is, we will provide focused, and compassionate care and guidance every step of the way. Walgren Counseling PLLC does not deny services based on inability to pay. We accept most all insurance programs.