Covering 4P's & 4c's Of Marketing Concept:A Portal in true sense for Pharmaceutical Machinery, Packaging, Laboratory Equipment & other Allied Industries is promoted by team of professional & experienced members. CUSTOMER has needs, wants, demands and desires. satisfies 4P's & 4C's, thus creating end to end bridge from Manufacturers till Customers. 1st of its kind B2B portal (rather vortal), wherein Pharmaceutical Machinery, Packaging, Laboratory Equipment & other Allied industries get space to market their products / services & giving easy access with precise search facility for Suppliers as well as Buyers. Product / Customer Solution:Product hunt tends to an end at our portal. Physical Products as well as Services related to Pharmaceutical Industry are covered & one gets Brand Name, Functionality, Styling, Quality, Safety, Packaging, Repairs and Support, Warranty, Accessories and Services.Price / Customer Cost:Product Pricing as well as Product buying decisions needs competition comparatives. Many brands listed at one place helps and enhances process of pricing decisions for pricing a product OR buying a product. Pricing Strategy, Wholesale Prices, Discounts, Bundling, Price Flexibility as well as Price discrimination are very well addressed in e-tech way.Promotion / Communication:Promotion represents the various aspects of marketing communication, that is, the communication of information about the product with the goal of generating a positive customer response. Creating PUSH by global marketing & PULL by your product sales.Place / Convenience:Distribution is about getting the products to the customer. Internet is the only global media for customers to easily approach for getting products & finding the most convenient as well as the best & the nearest one. Market coverage being most important aspect is truly satisfied.