Tomlinson Research, founded by Keith Tomlinson in May 2013, is an independent investment research company that specialises in alternative investments. Our research service, OCIOconnect, is a highly selective and focused alternatives research solution for wealth managers.Our objective is to provide investors with the information they need to make intelligent investment decisions by understanding investment logic and the potential downside. This is rarely captured in statistical inference, as observed frequency does not necessarily reflect actual probability. All things being equal, greater risks should reduce the amount invested in a particular hedge fund in favour of a fund with lower risks. Excessive risks with the possibility of large capital losses are speculative and should not be attempted. We seek to recognise when excessive risks transform investment into speculation.We are focused solely on research, which means we can effectively reduce costs by 50% and offer up to 100% higher coverage than in-house solutions. This is how we help our clients to adapt and become more competitive.