Marketing1by1, Inc. is the low cost provider of marketing automation technology. With the continuing expansion of marketing channels and the fragmentation of the consumer and business markets, companies need to send more campaigns than ever before with the same or fewer resources. As a result, many of these campaigns will need to be automated. The best place to start is the highest value campaigns, which are those that react to a consumer who has initiated contact or "engaged" with the marketer. From here, the types of campaigns that can be automated will expand significantly. In a tight economy, this approach is especially beneficial since automated campaigns using dynamic content generate higher than average revenue per pieceFrom the market research it is clear that the majority of the market does not currently employ highly targeted or customized campaigns that respond to customer initiatives. Studies from both the e-tailing group and the CMO Council show fewer than 25% of companies using personalized campaigns. In addition, consumers are looking for relevance. This includes products and services that interest them based upon their known behavior.Marketing1by1 provides marketers a cost-effective middleware solution for automating campaigns with dynamic content, delivered across multiple channels, in order to increase revenue and improve customer relationships. This program is called Campaign1by1. It is based upon the tenets presented in the book, Marketing Out Of Control, written by the CEO, Keith Wardell.