Do you have employees that lack natural curiosity, can't seem to think for themselves or seem to be just going through the motion? Maybe they are disengaged? In a recent Gallup study, "53% of workers are in the "not engaged" category. They may be generally satisfied but are not cognitively and emotionally connected to their work and workplace." While engagement is at an all-time high at 34%, and those who are actively disengaged is at an all-time low at 13%; the impact on business is devastating. Companies with engaged employees are more profitable than those with disengaged employees.Here are five ways to improve engagement• Ensure employees have an opportunity to do what they do best• Create a culture of developmental experiences that lead to high achievement• Develop effective managers coach and provide feedback• Develop an environment of open communication and trust• Help employees learn new skillsIf you're like most companies, you don't have an engagement strategy which ultimately impacts profitability and productivity. We can help you:• Determine what employees want• Improve employee skills and abilities with development programs• Ensure managers have the right tools and resources to increase engagement